Miscarriages Related to Magnetic Fields

Is WiFi radiation harmful?
Apart from over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies showing harm, there is increasing research showing that not only cell phones can cause cancer, but can also increase the risk of a miscarriage.
From the Scientific Journal Nature:
The steep increase in wireless (MF) exposure has renewed concerns about the potential health effects of this invisible, man-made environmental exposure. A recent NIEHS multi-year project conducted by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has revealed an increased risk of cancer associated with MF non-ionizing radiation exposure.
More specifically, the NTP study found that the cancer risk due to MF exposure observed in their experimental animals matched the cancer cell types that had been reported in previous epidemiologic studies in human populations
This finding has made it more difficult to continue to dismiss possible biological effects of MF exposure. Such outright dismissal could be especially troublesome given the high prevalence of human exposure (with almost everyone being exposed to MF non-ionizing radiation to some degree). This includes vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and young children.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified MF as a possible carcinogen.
2017 Nature Study: linked here :
Miscarriage is one of the potential adverse health outcomes that are sensitive to MF exposure and also an endpoint that the WHO has recommended to be further studied in the context of MF health effects5. Over the years, a few observational studies in human populations have suggested a possible link between MF exposure during pregnancy and an increased risk of miscarriage including two studies published in 2002 that increased the public awareness of such an association In addition, one study examined human embryonic tissues to assess the association between EMF exposure and embryonic growth, and observed an increased risk of impaired embryonic bud growth and apoptosis associated with exposure to higher MF level, providing some direct evidence of adverse biological impact of EMF exposure on embryonic development.
2010 Study: linked here. :
Conclusion: Watching TV and using mobile telephone during the first term of pregnancy maybe increase the risk of embryo growth ceasing significantly, in particular the high-risk pregnant women with embryo growth ceasing history. Suggest pregnant woman do not use the appliances for a long time or do the safety protection when using the appliances, e.g., distance protection.
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